Frequently Asked Questions

What is happening to River Plantation Country Club?
The club has been owned and operated for many years by River Plantation Properties & Arcis Management. As of January 1,2018, the club and all related property will be managed and sold to Preisler Golf Properties, LLC a family owned business.
What happens to my River Plantation membership?
All current River Plantation memberships will be terminated as of the December 31, 2017. River Plantation members will be converted to 36 holes golf club membership which includes Oakhurst Golf Club.
What will happen to River Plantation Country Club after December 31, 2017?
On January 2, 2018 the club will open for business as River Plantation Golf Club with planned operations as a daily fee golf club. This means the club will offer daily fee golf access along with annual memberships. The swim facilities will be terminated following the sale.
Will all 27 holes of golf remain open?

Only 18 holes of golf will be available for play on a daily basis. Open courses include Augusta & Biloxi. The Charleston course will be closed until further notice after the construction of the new bridges on Augusta.
How will the annual memberships work?
Annual memberships will be available in several different categories with both individual and family pricing options. There will be no initiation fees at this time to become a member. An annual membership agreement will be required and dues will be charged to a credit card on a monthly basis. This includes privileges to Oakhurst Golf Club as well.
Will member billing continue as in the past?
There will be no member billing associated with the annual memberships other than the monthly credit card charge for dues. All usage fees and purchases will be paid for at the point of sale with cash, check or credit card.
Can I still play golf if I don’t become an annual member?
Yes, the golf course will also be accessible through payment of a daily fee rate. Pricing will vary by day of the week and time of day. No private carts will be allowed on property through payment of a daily fee rate!
What happens to the food and beverage operation?
The club will continue with daily operation of the bar & grill. Menus and hours of operation will be posted. The grill will be open to everyone. The club will also be available for private parties & events.
What happens to the Men’s and Ladies Golf Associations?
Annual full members of River Plantation Country Club will pay association dues and become members of the new River Plantation Golf Club Men’s or Women’s Golf Associations (does not include weekday memberships). Events available only to association members will be coordinated by the golf staff and held on a regular basis.
Will I still be able to use a private golf cart?
Three of the annual membership categories offered will be inclusive of prepaid cart fees. Members enrolled in these categories will have the added benefit of use of their private cart in lieu of a club rental cart if they wish. No other private cart usage will be permitted.
Will we have access to the Oakhurst Golf Club facilities?
Absolutely! Annual membership categories will have access. No private carts are allowed at Oakhurst Golf Club.
Where can I get more information?
Additional questions may be addressed to club staff after December 31, 2017.



(936) 271-1083



550 Country Club Dr. Conroe, TX 77302